Paper and poster presentations are intended to stimulate discussions among workshop participants: reflections on the past, descriptions of current initiatives, visions of the future, and new results in AI for 6G research and practice are welcome. During the workshop, posters will be presented in poster sessions. We solicit long and short papers, including position papers, of 5-7 pages that must not have been published or be under review elsewhere.

Topics of interest include the following tracks but are not limited to:

• AI for Energy-Efficient 6G Networks
• Energy-efficient AI model optimization for 6G applications and infrastructure

• Machine learning for flexible, configurable, and intelligent air interfaces
• AI-driven beamforming, massive MIMO, and millimeter-wave/THz communications
• AI for resilient and self-organizing 6G networks

• Explainable AI for 6G systems and standardization
• Large language models for intuitive human-network interfaces and enabling new 6G services
• AI for secure and privacy-preserving 6G communications

Important Dates:
Paper Submission Deadline (Extended): July 26, 2024
Acceptance Notification: August 22, 2024
Final Paper Submission: September 5, 2024

Submitted papers must use IEEE conference proceedings template and follow the guidelines as described here:

The submission platform is: